hirax.net::inside out::2015年09月

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I spent this whole summer with "the girl". 

 I spent this whole summer with "the girl". I don't remember how many times I mentioned her name (as "the girl") and gazed her face. To say the truth, I don't know her real real name and who she actually is. Or, I don't know if she really existed or not. However, I believe that not only me but tremendous peoples loves her face (and smile).

 Who is "the girl"? She is "the girl" with a...

”I got the girl. She's a work of art. I tell myself that I'm one lucky guy! I got the girl."

 How many people can say they felt the brushstrokes of a Rembrant painting? Well everyone who went to this exhibition at the Canon expo…

 A 2.5D printed image of the girl with the pearl earring..With the brushstrokes and feeling of them!

 However, as fun as it might be to grope photos of incredibly muscular people, textural printing has the potential to change how we interact with fine art as well. The tactility of a piece can be replicated, whether it's made of metal, cloth or other materials. This means that small physical details from paintings like the weave of the canvas, or the drips, ridges and cracks of the paint itself -- things that normally can't be perceived in reprints -- can be recreated as well. This makes it possible to create a true-to-life reproduction of a painting like Johannes Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring and exhibit it anywhere in the world without fear of damage to the original object. And though Canon will never be able to replicate the thrill of seeing the real thing for art aficionados, being able to touch the paintings will probably make school trips to the art museum a little less boring for kids.

Textural printing lets you get handsy with famous paintings


実写 進撃の巨人 後編のYahoo!映画ユーザ・レビュー点数を「投稿時間・点数」で散布図にしてみた 

 実写映画「進撃の巨人 ATTACK ON TITAN エンド オブ ザ ワールド」のYahoo!映画ユーザ・レビューの点数が低い。ふと、ユーザー投稿時間がレビュー点数に影響を与える可能性があるだろうか?と考えて、640人分のレビューを「投稿時間・点数」で散布図にしてみました。点数は20,40,60,100点という20点おきだったので、散布点が見やすいように点数に若干のランダムノイズを加えてみました。

 結果は、単純に夜3時から朝6時くらいまでは(点数に関わらず)投稿数が少ない…という普通の結果になりました。 深夜の投稿は(気分がハイになって)点数が高くなるとか(その逆に)低くなる…といった傾向はみられませんでした。


実写 進撃の巨人 後編のYahoo!映画ユーザ・レビュー点数を「投稿時間・点数」で散布図にしてみた